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More Than a Church

A Welcoming Church at the heart of the San Fernando Valley!



At Bethel, we’re about discovering ways to experience life in all of its abundance. And we want to share the fullness of life with you. Jesus is the one who promised this life so we believe he is the one who gives it freely to all who believe in him.

So we’re seeking to know Jesus more by: Studying the Bible, Talking with God in prayer and worship, Loving God and our neighbors, Learning to serve each other, and Day by day bowing humbly to God’s will at work, at home, at school, in our whole lives.

We are a diverse multicultural congregation with members from all over the world. We also sponsor a community center and a program helping young people enter the college world.


Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Calling

God calls us as Bethel Church to be    

Witnesses of His Grace

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Actively hospitable

Reformed, Biblical

Embracing the cultural and generational diversity of our church and neighborhood


United in Christ Jesus

Multicultural and multi age in worship, leadership, and communication

Intentional in our response of gratitude to God through compassion, service, and stewardship

Nurturing to everyone

Open to everyone's spiritual gifts

Upholding everything in prayer

Servants to one another and our community


Where it all started

The Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Sun Valley, California, began with a group of about 23 members who gathered for worship on June 7, 1931 in the Glendale YMCA. This small beginning was under the direction of Home Missionary Rev. Henry De Vries, and was under the supervision of the Los Angeles Christian Reformed Church consistory. In January, 1932, Mr. Caspar Van Dyk, a candidate for the ministry, arrived to pastor the Glendale group. A ladies Circle, Men’s Society, and Sunday School were organized, and morning and evening services were regularly held. On March 28, 1932, the Glendale Christian Reformed Church was officially organized with 9 families and 5 individuals as charter members. From July 1936 to April 1938, the Glendale Church received the ministry of two candidates, Mr. Walter Hekman and Mr. Christian Ter Maat. During these years, services were held at the Jewel City Funeral Chapel in Glendale.

A Christian Reformed Ministry

We are part of the Christian Reformed Church. To learn more about the Christian Reformed Denomination as its beliefs click below

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