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Our Response to COVID-19

Our in-person services have resumed. Please come one join us at any of our services and or activities!
While no longer required, we still encourage our attendees to wear face coverings due to the recent spikes in COVID infections.

Archived COVID-19 Responses

As of Jan 2022

Current Guidelines

Since the State of California has modified the COVID-19 guidelines, Bethel has also made the following updates to be in line with the guidelines issued by the state: 

  1. We will no longer take temperature checks upon entering the building. 

  2. There are no longer any building capacity limits. 

  3. We will no longer be socially distanced. 

  4. Everyone needs to wear a mask indoors regardless of their vaccination status. 


As of May 2021

We will be resuming indoor services. Here is the plan for right now.  We may need to make some adjustments, so please be patient with us. 

1. Before you arrive, please sign the attached waiver.  You may email it back to me or bring it to church.  We will also have blank copies for people to fill out on that day.  

2. Please arrive early if you are able. We ask that everyone either enter through the east door near the offices or the south door near the bathrooms.  At both entrances, you will have your temperature taken and you can drop off your waiver if you brought it with you. 

3. Please wear your mask. 

4. You will be seated to the best of our ability to maintain social distancing.  We will sit every other pew.  

5. Offering plates will be placed at the back of the sanctuary for you to give your offering on your way out. 

6. You will be dismissed from your pew at the end of the service. 

7. Bathrooms are available. 

8. Parents are welcome to make use of the nursery and playground during the service if need be.  There will be no nursery attendants just yet. 

9. We will keep doors open to increase air circulation.  We do not plan on opening the windows as we are not sure if we can get them shut again. â€‹


Effective on March 7, 2021:

Outdoor service will be available along with live translation to Spanish. Outdoor services will be held on the east side of the church building. To Minimize the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of our church staff, volunteers, members and visitors the following rules have been placed and must be followed:

  • Masks and face coverings must be worn correctly (covering mouth and nose) at all times on church grounds.

  • Bring your own chair.

  • It is strictly prohibited to enter the church building. If you must enter, you are required to take your temperature, and log your entrance in the office.

  • Social distancing of 6ft (2m) by households is required 

  • Bring your own chair

  • Restrooms are unavailable

Our services will be recorded and uploaded to youtube if you would prefer to continue worshiping remotely.

As of November 20, 2020:

We have returned to our fully online programming due to the record number of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County. Our Services will be prerecorded and uploaded to YouTube (Linked Below). 

All in-person activities remain suspended or may be conducted remotely if available. 


As of August 23, 2020: 

Outdoor services available as long as the following rules are followed:

  • Let us know via email if you are attending

  • Masks are required at all times

  • Social distancing of 6ft (2m) by households is required 

  • Bring your own chair

  • Restrooms are unavailable

No children's services are available at this time​. Services will be reduced to approximately 45 minutes. If you are unable to attend or feel uneasy about attending, our services will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube (click on worship services below).

We will continue to follow directions from public health officials as necessary.

Other services and/or church activities will remain suspended. Some may be available remotely or pre-recorded


As of, July 2, 2020:

Due to the rising number of COVID 19 cases in Los Angeles County, we are planning to continue with our online worship services for the month of July. At the end of July, we will re-evaluate and see whether it is safe to proceed with re-opening in August. 


As of ​March 20, 2020:

all church in-person activities and services have been suspended until public health officials and the church's leadership deem safe to meet in large groups 

All services will be available online and some church activities will be available remotely

We encourage our visitors and members to obtain information about the pandemic from reliable sources

For updates about the preventing spread of COVID-19, stay at home orders and more, visit the websites of public health officials below.

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